National members

Our national members are independent, national organizations that develop and run the national forest certification system in their country. 

PEFC Belgium

The Belgian Forest Certification Scheme was first endorsed in 2002 and has been re-endorsed a further two times. The system maintained its endorsement in July 2023.

System elements

Sustainable forest management standardYes
Sustainable forest management standard (plantation)No
Sustainable forest management standard (trees outside forests)No
Group certification requirementsYes
Chain of custody requirements (PEFC International)Yes
Certification body requirements for chain of custody (PEFC International)Yes
Full system documentationYes

Endorsement milestones

To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.

  • National approval date: 7 April 2022
  • Review date: 7 April 2027

2022/23 system assessment

  • Status: Assessment finished, system endorsement maintained
  • Type: Revised system (maintaining the endorsement) 
  • Assessment report
  • Assessor: Indufor
  • System submitted for assessment: 14 May 2022
  • Consultation: 3 October - 1 December 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about this national system.

System history 

  • Re-endorsed: 11 July 2023
  • Re-endorsed: 13 November 2013
  • Re-endorsed: 4 March 2008
  • Endorsed: 25 February 2002
  • Joined PEFC: 30 June 1999

PEFC Belgium

History before PEFC

PEFC Belgium was created in 2002. Formerly named Woodnet, it changed its name to PEFC Belgium in 2007. 

The association is responsible for the development and implementation of the PEFC forest certification scheme in Belgium, as well as for the promotion of the PEFC label in Belgium.

PEFC Belgium is based on a 5 chamber model: forest owners, industrials, scientists, environmental associations and forest users. 

All representatives concerned have a voice in the operation of the association. All decisions made have to be consensus-based.

In Belgium almost 300,000 hectares of forests are PEFC certified.

What are the benefits of being part of the PEFC alliance? 

There are three main benefits:

  • Having access to wood originating from sustainably managed forests from all over the world
  • Having a worldwide recognised label
  • Having a network of passionate people to share best practices all over the world 


PEFC Belgium
Boulevard Bischoffsheim 1-8, bte 3
1000 Brussels
+32 222 344 21

The team

Arnaud Snyers

Samuel Oldenhove
National Secretary

Sofie Versweyveld
Senior Account Manager

Maxime de Schietere
Account Manager

Valérie Squelart
Communication and Marketing Manager

Elodie Gilon
Administrative and Communications Assistant

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