PEFC Canada
The CSA system was first endorsed in 2005 and has been re-endorsed a further two times. The latest system is currently under assessment.
In addition to the the CSA system, the PEFC-endorsed Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) system is also operational in Canada.
2016 system information
Endorsement milestones
To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.
- National approval date: 16 September 2016
- Review date: 16 September 2021
2024 system assessment
- Status: Public consultation closed, assessment ongoing
- Type: Revised system (maintaining the endorsement)
- Assessment Report
- System submitted for assessment: 21 December 2023
- Consultation: 29 January - 28 March 2024
- Assessor: TJ Consulting
- Download the documentation
Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about the Canadian system.
CSA system history
- Re-endorsed: 29 March 2018
- Re-endorsed: 29 June 2011
- Endorsed: 22 March 2005
- Joined PEFC: 26 January 2001
About PEFC Canada
History before PEFC
Canada joined the PEFC alliance in 2001 with CSA International, part of the CSA Group which developed the CSA SFM standard first published in 1996, acting as the National Governing Body (NGB). The role of an NGB was outside of CSA International’s normal business and so a new organization had to be created to assume that role.
PEFC Canada was created and incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the Canada Corporations Act on September 17th, 2008. In October 2008, PEFC Canada applied to PEFC International to become the PEFC National Governing Body for Canada, taking over the CSA International role. The transfer of membership became effective on January 21st, 2009.
What are the benefits of being part of the PEFC alliance?
Being part of PEFC offers Canadian organizations certified to the CSA SFM standard, and downstream customers of those organizations, the opportunity to use the PEFC International Chain of Custody standard and the PEFC label. PEFC Chain of Custody certification together with the PEFC on-product label provides an assurance that wood and paper products are sourced from sustainably managed forests. PEFC certification and the PEFC label have gained worldwide recognition, which is very beneficial for Canadian producers who rely heavily on global export markets.
For importers of Canadian forest products, PEFC Canada can help access wood and paper products that are PEFC certified. Specifically, PEFC Canada will provide contact information for leading Canadian suppliers that export wood and paper products which are PEFC certified.