Texworld: Climate Change – The Challenge of Our Time

Texworld: Climate Change – The Challenge of Our Time

Fashion event

Join us at Texworld as we discuss the role of sustainably managed forests in climate change mitigation and how responsible sourcing of wood-based fibres can support brands’ climate goals.

Julia Kozlik, PEFC International Marketing Officer, will join representatives from Lenzing Fibers and One Tree Planted on a virtual panel at 9:00 EST, Wednesday 21 July. Part of the Lenzing Seminar Series, the panel will be moderated by John Mowbray, Founder and Director of MCL News & Media (Ecotextile News).

The virtual seminar

Climate change is the defining crisis of our time, and it is happening even more quickly than we feared. Billions of tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere every year. Human activity is producing greenhouse gas emissions at a record high, with no signs of slowing down. 

According to a ten-year summary of UNEP Emission Gap reports, we are on track to maintain a “business as usual” trajectory. However, we are far from powerless in the face of this global threat; as UN Secretary-General António Guterres pointed out recently, “the climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win”. 

This virtual seminar will illustrate how different stakeholders are tackling this issue and how it is not “business as usual” for these organizations. 

Texworld aims to offer visitors ample educational opportunities this summer, both at the Sourcing Showroom and virtually. Topics are specifically tailored to the global textile and sourcing landscape, upcoming trends, business development and more.


21 July 2021

15:00 - 16:00 (UTC+1)

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Julia Kozlik

Market Engagement Manager

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