Algonquin Park Forest Advisory Group recognized

The leadership and personal commitment of the Algonquin Park Forest Advisory Group has been rewarded with the 2016 PEFC Canada Stewardship Award.

Algonquin Park Forest Advisory Group recognized

22 April 2016 News

“The Algonquin Park Forest Certification Advisory Group is one of many dedicated multi-stakeholder public groups in forest communities across Canada that provide advice on locally-adapted measures of good forest management,” said John Dunford, Chair of PEFC Canada.

The Algonquin Park Forest Advisory Group is a forest certification advisory committee working with the Algonquin Forestry Authority on sustainable forest management within Algonquin Provincial Park in south-central Ontario.

“There are many demands placed on public forests that influence how they are managed. These advisory groups help balance these forest values within the context of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) sustainable forest certification standard,” John continued.

“We are fortunate to have many dedicated community advisory groups actively engaged in the development and certification of good forestry practices. I am pleased this year to recognize the achievements of the Algonquin Park Forest Certification Advisory Group,” John concluded.

The Advisory Group has helped ensure local forest management meets strict on-the-ground tests required by CSA for each of the biological, environmental and social criteria under the sustainable forest management standard.

“This is great news!” said Gordon Cumming R.P.F, Chief Forester for the Algonquin Forestry Authority. “Since its establishment in 2006, the advisory group has worked diligently to continually improve how Algonquin Park is managed for all forest values. I am thrilled that these committed volunteers are being recognized for their efforts - definitely well deserved!”

Each year PEFC Canada and the CSA SFM User Group recognize a public advisory group with the Stewardship Award for their work in assisting a forest manager in maintaining certification to the PEFC-endorsed CSA SFM standard.


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