Asian Timber – Certified: Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods

We offer a special supplement on forest certification in Asia to keep you abreast of these exciting movements under foot and to motivate and inspire you to get involved.

Asian Timber – Certified: Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods

15 March 2016 News

Welcome to our special supplement on forest certification in Asia, authored by us (the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification - PEFC) in collaboration with Asian Timber magazine.

The importance of forests resonated with world leaders at several negotiations throughout 2015. But this is not news. Especially for those 350 million of us who live in and around forests or the estimated 1.6 billion of us whose livelihoods are somehow linked and dependent upon forests as a renewable resource.

Rather, what is news is just how fast and radically the forest sector in Asia is evolving and striving towards sustainability.

We offer this supplement to keep you abreast of these exciting movements under foot and to motivate and inspire you to get involved. We still need a colossal shift to mainstream sustainability in the forest sector and to make sure that sustainable landscapes can deliver the needs required for sustainable livelihoods. But the future is looking bright.

Asian Timber - Certified 19.55 MB


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Richard Laity

Southeast Asia Manager

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