Best Use of Certified Timber Prize: World Architecture Festival and PEFC present finalists

We are delighted to announce the eight finalists for the 2021 Best Use of Certified Timber Prize - have a look!

Best Use of Certified Timber Prize: World Architecture Festival and PEFC present finalists

6 September 2021 Sustainable construction

A research centre, a flexible gymnastics centre, a healthy workplace, a climate-friendly retreat and much more: the World Architecture Festival (WAF) has unveiled the eight finalists for this year’s Best Use of Certified Timber Prize, supported by PEFC.

The prize rewards architects and project teams that have used certified timber as a main construction material in an innovative, educational or artistic manner.

This December, PEFC and WAF will award the prize for the third time.

Impressive projects from around the world

Again this year, architects and project teams from around the world entered their buildings into the prize. 

We received 22 projects spreading from the Americas and Europe to Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Eight projects reached the finals, and we will be presenting them over the next two months. If you can’t wait, here is a brief overview.

While all these buildings have their use of certified timber in common, their style and purpose vary widely: from higher education and research to community spaces and sports facilities, to name only a few.

Shortlisted Candidates Best Use of Certified Timber Prize 2021 11.24 MB

A unique construction material

The shortlisted projects are prime examples of the possibilities timber as a construction material offers.

“It is inspiring to see the large variety of buildings in the finals, benefitting from the use of certified timber in so many different ways,” said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International. 

“While some of the architects chose timber for its flexibility and robustness, others appreciate its natural look and the positive effects it has for people, climate and the planet.”

Timber is not only a climate friendly material by storing carbon, but it is also robust and strong, and can withstand the most challenging natural conditions, such as typhoons, earthquakes and corrosive sea air.

The shortlisted projects also benefit from the flexibility in design that timber offers, as well as its functionality – from breathing façades to thermal and sound insulation.

The jury will announce the winner on 30 November at 17:00 CET during an online session.

Designing the future with sustainable timber

Across the world, the architecture community is embracing solid and engineered wood to deliver high profile, award winning projects and everyday designs.

Under the theme Designing the Future with Sustainable Timber, a range of stakeholders have come together under the leadership of PEFC to promote the use of wood in construction in general and certified wood in particular. Join us! Contact us at

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