Companies can benefit from PEFC to demonstrate impact towards the SDGs

The 2018 SGEC/PEFC Forest Certification Forum took place 28 June 2018 in Tokyo, with over 150 stakeholders in attendance, discussing how PEFC can help companies support the SDGs.

Companies can benefit from PEFC to demonstrate impact towards the SDGs

2 August 2018 News

“PEFC helps companies report on the contribution of sustainable forestry towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but this is just the very first step,” said Peter Latham, Chair of PEFC International, speaking at the SGEC/PEFC Forum in Tokyo, Japan.

“PEFC is much more than just certification. Our numerous activities on the ground, our collaborative work with forest owners, communities and stakeholders at local levels enables companies to offer support beyond sourcing PEFC and certifying forests. Companies can benefit from PEFC beyond certifications to demonstrate a much wider contribution towards these vital goals.”

The 2018 SGEC/PEFC Forest Certification Forum took place 28 June 2018 in Tokyo, with over 150 stakeholders in attendance. Mr. Oki, Director General of the Forestry Agency of Japan, opened the Forum, before Peter gave his keynote speech on how PEFC can help companies support the SDGs.

“Beginning in the forest. Our sustainable forest management benchmark forms the basis for the requirements that forest owners must meet to achieve PEFC certification; it is under revision and big changes are expected,” Peter continued.

“From minimum wages for forest workers, equal opportunities for employment and non-discrimination (SDG 8 and 10) and the promotion of gender equality (SDG 5), to enhanced provisions to safeguard the interests of indigenous peoples, and the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of traditional and local knowledge (SDG 2 and 4).”

“This means by choosing PEFC-certified material, companies can highlight their support of all these SDGs through their procurement preferences.”

Peter went on to highlight some of the many areas PEFC is working in, from construction to fashion, and how these all contribute to a wide range of SDGs.

A busy June in Japan

SGEC, the Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council, our national member for Japan, held a range of meetings at the end of June. Along with the Forum, they also organized the ‘Conference for Building up SGEC/PEFC Certification Network in Asia/Other Regions’ and a Paper Seminar.

The aim of the Conference was to bring together the PEFC national members of the region in order to improve their coordination and grow the supply chain of PEFC-certified materials in the area.

“With the current growth of PEFC in the Asia region increasing rapidly, it is vital that our members work together in this way, helping to promote PEFC and forest certification throughout the region,” said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International, who was present at the Conference alongside Peter Latham.

The Paper Seminar focused on the expansion of PEFC/SGEC certified paper within Japan, and was attended by both paper manufacturers and brand owners.

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