CSA seeks public comments on the new Canadian standard for sustainable forest management

Stakeholders can review and comment on the Standard online until 6 October 2015.

CSA seeks public comments on the new Canadian standard for sustainable forest management

25 September 2015 PEFC system news

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) invites stakeholders from around Canada to take part in the public consultation for the fourth version of the country’s National Standard on Sustainable Forest Management, CAN/CSA-Z809.

Stakeholders can review and comment on the Standard online until 6 October 2015.

First published in 1996, CAN/CSA-Z809 is Canada's National Standard for Sustainable Forest Management and sets environmental and social requirements that fit the unique public ownership structure of Canadian forests. The standard was first endorsed by PEFC in 2005, and subsequently re-endorsed in 2011 until 2016.

The public consultation follows the revision of the CAN/CSA-Z809, led by the CSA Technical Committee on Sustainable Forest Management which develops and maintains the standard in an inclusive, balanced and consensus-based process.

The revision of standards is a required element of the PEFC endorsement, which obliges national forest management standards to be revised regularly to ensure that they incorporate international requirements, latest knowledge and best practices, and new market and stakeholder requirements.

CAN/CSA-Z809 was developed according to the internationally recognized Montreal and Helsinki processes and has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). It incorporates Canada's own national Sustainable Forest Management criteria developed by the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, as well as locally-adapted indicators developed through public consultation. The standard links adaptive forest management to forest certification through performance, public participation and system requirements.

The draft, fourth version of the CSA SFM Z809 Standard is now available online for public review.  It can be accessed and commented on using the link: http://publicreview.csa.ca/Home/Details/1712. The public review and comment period will run for 60 days, from 6 August to 6 ctober 2015.
A PDF copy of the standard is provided for those wanting to store or print it. A “Major Changes” document, gives an overview of the most significant changes being proposed.

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