Double certification continues to grow, joint PEFC/FSC data shows

The total global certified area grew by 3.7 million hectares, and the double certified area increased by almost one million hectares.

Double certification continues to grow, joint PEFC/FSC data shows

7 February 2018 PEFC system news

There has been a further increase in in double certified forest area in absolute terms, according to the most recent data released by PEFC and FSC, the two global forest certification systems.

While the total global certified area grew between December 2016 and June 2017 by 3.7 million hectares, the double certified area increased by almost one million hectares (or 25% of the growth).

In total, 431.4 million hectares of forests were certified to either PEFC or FSC in mid-2017 (2016: 427.7) of which 71.1 million hectares (or 16.5%) were double certified (2016: 70.1 million/16.5%).

Help avoid double certification

"This is at odds with our common objective to expand sustainable forest management", said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International. "Every single hectare of double certified forest area is a hectare too much."

"One cause of double certification is market access, and here companies have a role to play: by accepting both PEFC and FSC, they remove the pressure on forest owners to double certify.”

“In turn, this will help precious financial resources to be focused on expanding certification to forests that are not yet certified to either system," reminded Mr. Gunneberg. 

Please note that in response to requests from stakeholders, the two organizations agreed to publish future estimates with a cut-off date of 30 June of every year.


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