Double Certification FSC and PEFC – 2019 estimation

To make sure that double certified forest area does not appear twice in the statistics, PEFC and FSC decided in 2016 to provide mutually agreed estimates for the total global certified area. Estimates are published annually since that year.

Double Certification FSC and PEFC – 2019 estimation

28 January 2020 News

Various foresters in different parts of the world have chosen to use both FSC and PEFC certification for their forest management units to provide evidence for their sustainable forest management practices.

Statistically, it means that their respective certified forest area appears in both the PEFC and FSC statistics. This poses a challenge for the calculation of the total certified area in several countries and of the total global certified area: adding up FSC and PEFC certified forest area leads to inflated figures.

To solve this issue, PEFC and FSC decided in 2016 to provide mutually agreed estimates for the total global certified area. Estimates are published annually since that year. The overview in the PDF below reflects the situation as of mid-2019. 

Please note that the provided data only covers forest area certified by FSC or a PEFC-endorsed system, and not the areas certified by other schemes. The provided figures should be regarded as best estimates.

Double Certification PEFC and FSC - 2019 131.05 KB


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