Double certification FSC and PEFC - 2020 estimation

To make sure that double certified forest area does not appear twice in the statistics, FSC and PEFC publish mutually approved estimates of forest area certified under both schemes on a yearly basis.

Double certification FSC and PEFC - 2020 estimation

5 March 2021 News

FSC and PEFC are different forest certification schemes and there are some forest areas around the world that choose to hold both types of certification.

For this reason, FSC and PEFC agreed in 2016 to publish mutually approved estimates of forest area certified under both schemes on a yearly basis for statistical purposes.

According to the latest data from mid-2020, forest area holding both FSC and PEFC/PEFC-endorsed certification is approximately 95 million hectares, an increase of 3% since mid-2019.

Please note that the data include only the forest area certified by FSC or PEFC-endorsed systems from 2016 to 2020, excluding any other schemes. The list includes only countries where forest area is certified under both schemes and the data should be regarded as best estimates. 

Double Certification PEFC and FSC - 2020 211.81 KB


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