Four organizations join as PEFC International Stakeholder members

AEBIOM, CEETTAR, CNVP and WestRock Company join the PEFC Alliance.

Four organizations join as PEFC International Stakeholder members

10 June 2016 News

“We are delighted to welcome AEBIOM, CEETTAR, CNVP and WestRock Company as International Stakeholder members,” said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International, following the acceptance of the four new members.

“By becoming members, these organizations help and support us in our vital work to ensure the sustainable management of the world’s forests.”

The new members

Connecting Natural Values and People (CNVP) is an international organization with expertise in forestry and rural development, focused specifically on the Balkans. With operations in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, CNVP provides advisory services in forestry, rural development, environment and biomass for renewable energy, with the aim of improving livelihoods of rural people. We have been working with CNVP for several years on the development of a national forest certification system in Macedonia.

The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) is the common voice of the bioenergy sector, aiming to develop a sustainable bioenergy market based on fair business conditions. As an international nonprofit organization, AEBIOM brings together 29 national associations and around 90 companies from all over Europe. AEBIOM holds a strong position representing all bioenergy sectors and has a unique possibility to influence European policies, communications and various other EU papers.

The European Confederation of Agricultural, Rural and Forestry Contractors (CEETTAR) represents around 150,000 companies and nearly 600,000 workers, with the aim of representing the interests of these land-based contractors in Europe. In 2014, CEETTAR merged with former International Stakeholder member European Network of Forestry Entrepreneurs (ENFE), resulting in a stronger and more representative single organization representing land-based contractors at EU level.

WestRock Company is a leading global packaging company, providing paper and packaging solutions in consumer and corrugated markets. WestRock Company was formed in 2015 through the merger of previous PEFC International Stakeholder member MeadWestvaco and RockTenn. WestRock’s 42,000 team members support customers around the world from around 275 operating and business locations spanning North and South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

With these four new members, we now count 25 International Stakeholder members, as well as 43 national members.

Benefits & opportunities of PEFC membership

PEFC membership offers several benefits and advantages, including the opportunity to:

  • Shape and contribute to PEFC Council work and participate in PEFC’s annual General Assembly as a member of PEFC Council with full-voting rights;
  • Join PEFC Working Groups and Committees on relevant topics such as Standards Revision, Market Advising, and Regional Promotions;
  • Stay informed about PEFC developments throughout the year;
  • Collaborate on specific projects of mutual interest;
  • Communicate PEFC engagement and involvement;
  • Nominate representatives for the PEFC Board of Directors;
  • Support PEFC’s promotion of sustainable forest management and responsible procurement.


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