Get ready to audit against the 2020 PEFC chain of custody standard – join our training!

Register now for the PEFC chain of custody refresher trainings in the Netherlands and online!

Get ready to audit against the 2020 PEFC chain of custody standard – join our training!

2 September 2020 Training announcements

Issuing certification against the 2020 standards requires auditors to complete either an initial or a refresher training. We are therefore pleased to announce two refresher trainings – register now!

The English-language training is held by our national member for Australia and will take place virtually, while our Dutch-language training, provided by our national member in the Netherlands, will take place physically.

Both trainings are open to all interested persons globally:

  • English (virtual): 6 and 7 October, 10:00 – 14:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Register here!
  • Dutch (Wageningen, Netherlands): 17 November, 08:00 – 17:00 CET (Central European Time) Register here!

The trainings are designed for qualified PEFC auditors, reviewers or certification decision makers that wish to issue certification against the 2020 PEFC chain of custody related standards, as required by PEFC ST 2003.

What to expect

The trainings will provide an introduction to the revised 2020 PEFC Chain of Custody standard, the 2020 PEFC Trademarks standard and the 2020 Certification Body Requirements standard.

Before the training, participants are requested to familiarize themselves with the three standards, along with the summary of changes. These can all be found on our website. Participants will also be provided with case studies to complete in advance of the training.

All participants are required to pass an online knowledge test following the training to receive a PEFC recognised chain of custody training certificate. Successful participants will benefit from being listed in the PEFC register of trained auditors, reviewers and certification decision makers.

Chain of custody refresher training in English 

This virtual training will take place on 6 and 7 October, 10:00 – 14:30 AEST on Zoom. It will be given by Simon Dorries, PEFC International Technical Expert and National Secretary of Responsible Wood, our national member for Australia.

The participation fee is 500 AUD per person, excluding VAT.

For more information and to register, please visit the website of Responsible Wood.

Chain of custody refresher training in Dutch

The Dutch-language refresher training will take place on 17 November, 08:00 – 17:00 CET in Wageningen, Netherlands. It will be given by Marten de Groot, PEFC International Technical Expert and National Secretary of PEFC Netherlands.

The participation fee for the training is 300€ per person, excluding VAT. If circumstances make it impossible to hold the training in person, it will be held online via Zoom. 

For more information about the training and to register, visit the website of PEFC Netherlands.                                                                                                                      


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Linda Matole

Training Officer

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