Give your feedback on the Korean forest certification system

PEFC invites stakeholders around the world to comment on the Korean national forest certification system, following its submission to PEFC for endorsement.

Give your feedback on the Korean forest certification system

1 November 2017 PEFC system news

The Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (KoFPI) is one of our newest national members, joining in June 2016. This means it is the first time they have submitted their national system to PEFC for endorsement.

Make your comments now! The deadline is 23 December 2017.

The PEFC endorsement process

The 60-day global public consultation is a vital part of the PEFC endorsement process. It is your chance to comment and provide feedback on any aspect of the national system.

The PEFC Registered Assessor that carries out the assessment will use the information received from this consultation to help determine the compliance of the national system with our international requirements.

Once the national system has successfully passed the assessment, the PEFC General Assembly votes on its endorsement. A two-thirds majority is required for a system to be endorsed.

Find out more about the PEFC endorsement process…

We need your comments!

We invited all stakeholders to use our Online Consultation Tool to provide comments on the KFCC Forest Certification Scheme.


Discover how we're working to align with the EUDR and bring our PEFC EUDR solution to the market.

Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.

PEFC contact

Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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