Global business network recommends PEFC certification

The guidelines highlight PEFC certification as a verification mechanism for companies to reduce the risk of their pulp, paper and packaging originating from controversial sources.

Global business network recommends PEFC certification

15 October 2013 News

One of the largest global industry networks, the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), has developed a set of Guidelines in support of its resolution to help achieve zero net deforestation by 2020. Using a three-pronged approach – sourcing guidelines, verification and transparency - their aim is to assist companies in developing their own policies for sourcing pulp, paper and packaging.

As part of this approach, the guidelines highlight PEFC certification as a verification mechanism for companies to reduce the risk of their pulp, paper and packaging originating from controversial sources. PEFC certified products are recommended as providing companies with verification for legality, low risk of controversial sources contributing to deforestation and sustainable forest management.

The CGF brings together more than 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers and other stakeholders across 70 countries with combined sales of EUR 2.5 trillion. This includes a wide range of well-known businesses such as Carrefour, Coca Cola, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg’s, Kimberly-Clark, Loreal, Nestle, Proctor & Gamble, Tesco and Walmart.

In 2010, the CGF demonstrated leadership by pledging to mobilize resources within its respective businesses to help achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 in its Resolution on Deforestation. Earlier this year it published the Activation Toolkit, taking the Resolution a vital step forward by helping companies of all sizes successfully implementing the necessary measures towards this ambitious goal.

"The consumer goods industry plays a significant role in the timber supply chain and can therefore be an important driver towards a responsible use of our forest resources," said Ben Gunneberg, PEFC Secretary General. "PEFC is glad to able to be a part of the solution towards the industry's efforts to minimize its environmental and social impacts. By embracing the recommendation by the CGF and supporting PEFC, companies promote forest management practices that are environmentally sound, socially just, and economically viable."

“PEFC is the certification of choice for small- and family forest owners, who together with their families represent millions of consumers globally. By opting for PEFC, consumer goods companies demonstrate their commitment to support the livelihoods of these smallholders and honor their contribution to safeguarding the world’s forest resources”, added Mr. Gunneberg. “I am confident that PEFC-certified foresters will appreciate that these companies go one step further and make this commitment visible by displaying the PEFC-label on product packaging.”

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