Green public procurement made easy for Italian authorities

PEFC Italy has launched a new operational guide to green public procurement (GPP) to enable public and private players alike to support sustainable forest management.

Green public procurement made easy for Italian authorities

22 September 2016 News

PEFC Italy has launched a new operational guide to green public procurement (GPP) to enable public and private players alike to support sustainable forest management.

Manuale GPP

The manual, which is the first in Italy to be made after the entry into force of the new Procurement Code (Legislative Decree 50/2016), aims to help public authorities plan and successfully implement GPP.

The guide provides a practical explanation of the possibilities made available by the new Procurement Code, indicating the approach to follow in order to buy green.

Public and private

The document, which was produced in collaboration with Punto 3, is intended primarily for public administration.

However, much of its content can also be applied to the procurement activities of private companies, even helping suppliers (especially the wood-paper industry) to understand the environmental requirements that have been made mandatory in public procurement procedures by the Legislative Decree 50/2016.


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