IT solutions for sustainable forest management in Southeast Asia

Join us at a special event in Singapore to discuss new and emerging technologies to be utilized in sustainable forest management and responsible trade!

IT solutions for sustainable forest management in Southeast Asia

5 November 2018 Driving innovation

Are you a stakeholder contributing to sustainable forest management in Southeast Asia?

Join us at a special event in Singapore, 29 November, as we bring together two case studies to get regional actors collaborating. In a call for action, we will discuss new and emerging technologies to be utilized in sustainable forest management and responsible trade.


The following organizations will highlight their commitment to sustainable forest management and responsible trade:

PEFC International: We will share our experiences in helping stakeholders to develop systems in the region, especially for smallholders. Represented by: Richard Laity, Southeast Asia Development Officer.

Trimble Forestry: Leading technology provider for integrated forestry solutions will be discussing the importance of forestry technology in Southeast Asia as well as providing live demos of their products. Represented by: Jani Kaskinen, Managing Director and Andrew Zhu, APAC Sales Manager.

Double Helix: Innovation and technology in verification systems; scientific testing - DNA and Isotope analysis and document verification system at a consignment level. Represented by : Darren Thomas, CEO.

Rumble Tools: Leveraging on the use of drones for assessment, monitoring and fighting fires. Represented by: Matti Naakka, Director, Naaka Enterprises.

If you want to join us at this special event, please make sure you register now.

Incorporating technology solutions

This event builds on our 2017 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: Making Certification SMART – a dialogue that explored the benefits and potential for incorporating technology solutions into forest certification.

In continuing the momentum of re-imagining how forest certification should re-equip for the next decade, we will discuss, in-depth, the application of technology in case studies from Myanmar and Laos in two separate sessions.

From “Global to Molecule”

Session 1 - 10:00 AM: IT at the landscape scale using the case study of Working in partnerships to bring sustainable management to Myanmar’s forests - Monitoring forests with databases and satellite technology to make systems work at the global, national and estate level.

Session 2 – 2:00 PM: IT at a smallholder scale enabling smallholders gain access to responsible supply chains with partners such as the Luang Prabang Teak Program - Group certification and tracking wood with chain of custody management systems, consignment tracking and DNA fingerprinting.

Each session will have a panel discussion engaging in dialogue for further collaboration and build new partnerships. This workshop is a great opportunity for networking and sharing commitments by regional stakeholders.

Details and registration

Space is limited, so don't delay - register online now!

Date: Thursday, 29 November 2018
Venue: Singapore Sustainability Academy, Skypark Level 6, City Square Mall, Singapore
Time: Networking over coffee starts at 9:00am

(Registration is required. Attendance will be confirmed based on availability)


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PEFC contact

Richard Laity

Southeast Asia Manager

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