Join PEFC at the World Forestry Congress 2015!

Come and join us at our side events, at the WFC2015 International Exhibition or during the sub-theme dialogues.

Join PEFC at the World Forestry Congress 2015!

2 September 2015 News

Visiting the World Forestry Congress next week? Then we want to hear from you! Come and join us at our side events, at the WFC2015 International Exhibition or during the sub-theme dialogues.

We will be available for you at Stand D3 in the exhibition hall and invite you to join our Daily Dialogue and converse and share perspectives on the critical issues currently shaping forestry and certification globally – all day, every day.

As well as our booth, you can also find PEFC at several sub-theme dialogues throughout the week:

  • Monday will see PEFC CEO Ben Gunneberg take part in the panel of Subtheme 4, discussing growing better trees for the needs of the humankind.
  • Tuesday morning Bill Street, Chairman of the PEFC International Board, joins the panel of Subtheme 4 for the topic of bringing wood from sustainable forests to our home and life.
  • Sheam Satkuru-Granzella, member of the PEFC Board, chairs the Wednesday morning Subtheme 4, sustainable trade in six years from Buenos Aires to Durban: how to achieve it, and will be joined on the panel by Thorsten Arndt, Head of Communications at PEFC International.
  • Wednesday afternoon sees Sarah Price, Head of Projects and Development at PEFC International, take part in the panel of Subtheme 1 to discuss building effective forest and farm producer organizations: primary actors for a sustainable future.

Or come and take part in our side events:

Trees, landscapes & certification - Exploring the role of forest certification beyond forests
Monday 12:45 - 14:15
Room 11D
Enough about forests! Let’s talk about Trees outside Forests. They may be an ‘invisible’ resource but they are a massive provider of fiber, wood and food. They also deliver profound social, economic and environmental impacts. This event will bring diverse stakeholders and supply chain actors together to share perspectives on trees outside forests as a global resource. Contribute your views on sustainability issues and opportunities as PEFC considers how it could develop an appropriate certification solution. 

Promoting decent work in forest certification – Moving beyond ILO conventions
Tuesday 12:45 - 14:15
Room 11AB
Are ILO conventions and health and safety sufficient to promote a sustainable workforce? Join us and a range of experts as together we explore the opportunities and challenges in securing adequate labor standards and ways forward to improve workers’ rights in forest management.

Invest in us - Forest smallholders, community forest members and indigenous peoples in Asia
Tuesday 18:15 - 19:30
Room 11CDE

Join representatives of community forest members, smallholders and indigenous peoples from Asia and the Pacific region as they present messages and calls to action on ensuring that they are allowed to manage their forests in a sustainable manner.

Forest Sector Education and Training for Green Employment: Getting it Right in Southern Africa
Tuesday 18:15 - 19:30
Hall 1A

Education and training is in the spotlight as FAO and UNIDO as implement Phase I of “Revitalization of forest training centers in the SADC region for green employment” in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.

Unlocking the REAL value of forests through strengthening locally controlled forestry
Wednesday 12:45 - 14:15

Join us as we exchange best practices and ongoing cooperation to strengthen forest producer organizations, policy frameworks and market access for communities and farmers. Come and debate how we can continue to strengthen the link between forest certification and smallholders.

Promoting sustainably certified NWFPs to sustain livelihood of local communities who depend on forests
Wednesday 18:15 - 19:30
Room 12A

Introducing the management and utilization of NWFPs (non-wood forest products) in a global context, analyzing its impact on the livelihoods of local communities, demonstrating the importance and effectiveness of certification of NWFPs and discussing the importance and feasibility in developing and internationally generic standard of certification for NWFPs

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PEFC contact

Thorsten Arndt

Head of Advocacy

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