Meet the experts that will guide you through our next webinar!

Meet the panel of experts that we have convened to provide their insights into certification, and answer any of your concerns and questions.

Meet the experts that will guide you through our next webinar!

1 March 2023 Upcoming event

The world is looking towards sustainable supply chains in the furniture industry as a way to protect the world’s forests and all of the essential ecosystem services that they provide. But how exactly can you prove your commitment to responsible sourcing to your customers, shareholders, regulatory bodies, and partners in the furniture industry?

PEFC chain of custody certification is the answer. Join us on 8-9 March for our next webinar to learn how you can unlock access to new markets, comply with strict legislative and ESG requirements, and send a clear message to your customers that the wood in their furniture has been responsibly sourced and tracked from the forest to the showroom. 

Meet the panel of experts that we have convened to provide their insights into certification, and answer any of your concerns and questions.

Fabienne Sinclair

Fabienne is the Head of Marketing at PEFC International. Prior to her role with PEFC, she worked as the Marketing Manager for Colgate Palmolive in Europe. Since joining PEFC in 2015, Fabienne has worked tirelessly to advocate for certification systems and stakeholder engagement in forest-based industries and she will be able to answer any of your questions about the global activities, purpose, and reach of PEFC.

Linda Matole

Linda is a Technical Expert with PEFC. After working as a consultant for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Linda decided to employ her expertise in forest-based products and sustainability with PEFC, developing chain of custody training resources for certification auditors and accreditors, national PEFC members, and companies. Linda will join our webinar to give a detailed breakdown on PEFC certification, standards, and the process to obtain certification, as well as answer any questions you may have.

Lise Favre

Lise is a PEFC trademarks expert and has managed the administration of the PEFC scheme for almost 4 years, where she has provided support on the issuance of PEFC trademark licences, notification of certification bodies, database usage, and complaints and appeal handling procedures. Previous to her role with PEFC, she completed an internship with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). She will guide you through how to use the PEFC label and trademark to display your commitment to responsible sourcing.

Mr Kjell-Owe Ahlskog

Kjell-Owe is the owner and manager of Finnish consultancy company Alcea, and he has over 20 years of experience working within forestry and chain of custody certification. Alcea supports local manufacturers and multinational companies with environmental & quality management systems, training, risk analysis, support with PEFC chain of custody systems and EU Timber regulations. He previously worked as the Global Forestry Manager for IKEA, and is an approved auditor for PEFC FM, PEFC Chain of Custody, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, and ISO 45001 standards. Mr. Kjell-Owe Ahlskog will share his insights into helping smaller producers gain certification through the group certification approach.

Join us

Certification is already helping thousands of furniture companies access new generations of customers for their products, meet the growing global demand for responsibly sourced timber and comply with tightening legislative and regulatory requirements.To find out how PEFC chain of custody certification can provide a competitive advantage to you and your furniture company or organization, join us on 8-9 March for our webinar to find out everything you need to know about PEFC chain of custody certification!

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