MTCC pays tribute to its founding Chairman of 17 years

Dato’ Dr. Freezailah Che Yeom's illustrious career as MTCC Chairman, spanning 17 years, culminated in a farewell and appreciation dinner held in Kuala Lumpur.

MTCC pays tribute to its founding Chairman of 17 years

10 August 2016 News

It was a day of mixed emotions as Malaysia’s forestry and timber industry fraternity paid tribute to Malaysian Timber Certification Council’s (MTCC) founding Chairman, Dato’ Dr. Freezailah Che Yeom.

His illustrious career as MTCC Chairman spanning 17 years culminated in a farewell and appreciation dinner held on 27 July 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. The event was graced by YB Datuk Datu Nasrun bin Datu Mansur, the Deputy Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities. 

“I have enjoyed a fulfilling career in a long journey as a forester serving the Forestry Department, ITTO and the MTCC over a period which spans more than five decades,” said Dato’ Dr. Freezailah.

“I must thank my colleagues, stakeholders and all the remarkable people who have done their utmost so that our incomparable biodiversity-rich forests are sustainably managed for present and future generations.”

“With its exemplary track record, I am confident that MTCC will continue to contribute to Malaysia’s sustainable forestry agenda.”

A forester at heart

Dato’ Dr. Freezailah was appointed as the Chairman of MTCC following its establishment in 1998 as an independent organization to develop and operate the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS). 

A true blue forester at heart, Dato’ Dr. Freezailah has been instrumental in inspiring a forest-loving society through his passion and involvement in championing the sustainable forestry agenda. His track record as a prominent thought leader in forestry spans beyond national borders to the global community.

Upon his retirement, he pursued his passion for sustainable forest management through his involvement as the founding Chairman of MTCC. It was no surprise that Malaysia quickly became one of the region’s early adopters and promoters of sustainable forestry practices through the implementation of the MTCS. 

“Dato’ Dr. Freezailah’s focused approach in championing sustainable forest management is truly inspiring,” commented the newly appointed MTCC Chairman Datuk Himmat Singh.

“His tireless efforts have been crucial in advancing Malaysia’s sustainability initiatives in the fields of forestry and environment.”

“Words cannot express our immense gratitude to him. His stellar legacy and exemplary passion is one that will continue to inspire the next generation of foresters.”

A wise professional

His role as MTCC Chairman concluded on a high note with the award from PEFC for the third highest increase in the number of certified companies through Chain of Custody certification in 2015. The recognition underlined MTCC’s commitment in promoting responsible practices and the use of certified timber sourced from sustainably managed forest in Malaysia.

“It has been a life time opportunity for me to have worked with a wise professional like Dato’ Dr. Freezailah,” said MTCC CEO, Mr Yong Teng Koon.

“His dynamic leadership over the past 17 years has raised MTCC and Malaysia’s profile as a recognizable force in driving responsible and sustainable forestry. As he embarks on the next phase of his life, we wish him only the best.”


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