What's New


11 March 2020

COVID-19: Guidance for certification bodies and certified companies


PEFC's guidance for chain of custody auditing of PEFC certified companies affected by restrictions due to COVID-19.

9 March 2020

Achieving gender equality and female empowerment – our forests can help


Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. That is why PEFC promotes gender equality and the role of women in forestry.

3 March 2020

We don’t realise what we have until it is gone

Forests in photos

This month we hear from Nejc Mrežar, a runner up in our 2019 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest. Nejc tells us more about his photo ‘Last Rays’ and why he loves forests.

25 February 2020

PEFC promotes Forests For Fashion at Sustainable Fashion Week in Madrid

Forests for Fashion

Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid represents a change in the paradigm of fashion, with a commitment to sustainable materials. We were there to highlight the benefits of forest fibres from sustainably managed forests.

21 February 2020

Renewable, recyclable and responsibly-sourced at the Sustainable Retail Summit

Event report

We teamed up with SFI and PEFC Germany at the CGF Sustainable Retail Summit, taking a deep dive into sustainable packaging and sustainable forest management.


Discover how PEFC can help you with your EUDR compliance.

PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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