16 January 2019
Call for nominations: sustainable forest management and certification body requirements
PEFC system news
PEFC is looking for candidates for the Chain of Custody Revision Working Group and for our newly established Sustainable Forest Management Working Group.
14 January 2019
Online Chain of Custody auditor training – register now!
Training announcements
We have updated the training schedule for our Chain of Custody auditor trainings - have a look!
11 January 2019
Turning the tables on unsustainable furniture
Sustainable construction
The furniture company Oak and Hide creates a new generation of flat-pack furniture - a clean design, strong joints and made entirely of PEFC-certified timber.
8 January 2019
The forest and the mountains are my second home
Forests in photos
In 2018, we held the second ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest. Francisco Costa, one of our 12 winners, tells us the story behind his photo.
21 December 2018
European cities choose PEFC-certified Christmas trees – for a sustainable celebration
Christmas is coming closer and it is time for seasonal splendour. Again this year, several European cities have chosen PEFC-certified firs and spruces as their Christmas trees to lighten up their city centres.