What's New


28 June 2018

PEFC, Bamboo and Rattan: Towards Meeting the SDGs and the Bonn Challenge together

Driving innovation

The meeting brought together stakeholders from around the world to discuss how bamboo and rattan can contribute to South-South cooperation, climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

26 June 2018

Macedonian forestry dreams come true with PEFC endorsement

PEFC system news

Macedonia has achieved PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification!

21 June 2018

The Fairytale Lane enchants the Belgian photo contest jury

Forests in photos

Have a look at the winning images of PEFC Belgium’s 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC' photo contest!

19 June 2018

Enhanced social requirements and promoting gender equality - Give your feedback on our revised Sustainable Forest Management benchmark!

PEFC system news

The Sustainable Forest Management benchmark is at the core of what we do, providing the basis for the requirements that forest owners or managers must meet to achieve PEFC certification.

11 June 2018

Experience Forests, Experience PEFC – did you take part?

Forests in photos

Last week, our 2018 PEFC Photo Contest came to close – thank you for over 12,000 amazing photos!


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PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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