16 December 2014
“Getting not out but into the woods”
Forests and forestry are key to meet society’s challenges of today and tomorrow. Achieving this goal requires a sound policy framework and a constructive dialogue across all levels.
15 December 2014
Thailand shows strong interest for PEFC
Thai government emphasizes the country’s interest in setting up a national forest certification system with the intention of applying for PEFC membership within two years.
12 December 2014
New Australian illegal logging regulation recognizes PEFC
PEFC has been recognized as one way of identifying timber or timber products that are at low risk of being sourced illegally.
12 December 2014
PEFC in the Republic of Congo moves a step closer at PEFC Week
Promoting sustainable management in this largest remaining natural swath of rainforests in Africa is critical for securing the well-being of millions of forest-dependent people and ensuring the viability of these unique assets.
11 December 2014
Latest country to receive PEFC endorsement celebrates!
Indonesia celebrates its achievement in becoming the latest country to receive PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system.