What's New


10 January 2014

Predicting invasive pests and diseases in European forests


Providing industry partners and other interested stakeholders with hands-on experience of new models to predict the spread of invasive pests and diseases in Europe’s forests is the aim of an upcoming ISEFOR workshop.

7 January 2014

PEFC Referenced as Credible Sustainable Forestry Standard in new UL Standard


UL Environment specifies PEFC among forest certification standards that can be used as evidence that a product meets the ‘Sustainable Forest Source’ or ‘System for Evidence Sourcing’ criteria.

6 January 2014

Irish forests owners to benefit from accredited PEFC certification

PEFC system news

The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), Ireland’s official standards body, now counts PEFC in its portfolio of standards, following official accreditation by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) last month.

19 December 2013

PEFC Toolkit Supports National Forest Certification System Development

Driving innovation

The launch of PEFC's Toolkit providing a step-by-step guide to developing a national forest certification system aligned with PEFC’s sustainability benchmark requirements.

18 December 2013

The PEFC Collaboration Fund: looking forward and back

Collaboration Fund

Following the success of the previous years, PEFC is pleased to announce the launch of the fourth edition of its competition, the 2014 Collaboration Fund.


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PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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