3 August 2022
Estonian forest certification system submitted for assessment
PEFC system news
The Estonian Forest Certification System has been submitted to PEFC for assessment. Find out more in our upcoming webinar.
2 August 2022
We need to safeguard the forests that are still here in our world
Forests in photos
Time to hear more about the photo of the month for August. The amazing 'Hunting Prey in the Water' by Sofyan Efendi was entered into the Indonesian 2021 photo contest. Learn what the photographer says about his photo.
1 August 2022
UK forest certification system submitted for assessment
PEFC system news
The PEFC UK Certification Scheme for Sustainable Forest Management and Trees Outside Forests has been submitted to PEFC for assessment. Find out more in our upcoming webinar.
26 July 2022
Östermalmshallen: a wooden temporary market hall enchants visitors
Sustainable construction
During renovation of Stockholm’s market hall, a temporary building using PEFC-certified timber became a new attraction. To meet all the given requirements, timber was the obvious choice. What was not foreseen was the hall’s tremendous popularity.
25 July 2022
Light and darkness in the forest – PEFC Denmark announces photo contest winners
Forests in photos
PEFC Denmark is the first member to present the winners of its 2022 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ national photo contest. The three gorgeous winning images show light and darkness, sun and shadow in the forest.