What's New


28 September 2020

Certification body training – new training dates announced!

Training announcements

New initial training in Malaysia and refresher training in Italy this October. Register now!

25 September 2020

Forests are an essential resource for our survival

Forests in photos

This September, we hear from the winner of our 2019 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest. Sonia Fantini tells us the background story of her photo ‘Autumn colours’.

21 September 2020

‘Sustainability in Packaging Asia’ 2020 starts today – join us!

Event report

In two sessions on Wednesday, our CEO Ben Gunneberg will highlight how materials from sustainably managed forests can play a key role in this new circular economy.

18 September 2020

Get ready to audit against the 2020 PEFC chain of custody standard – new training dates announced!

Training announcements

Register now for the virtual PEFC chain of custody refresher trainings held by our members for Portugal, the UK and Ireland!

16 September 2020

Romania’s photo contest winners show colourful paths through the forest

Forests in photos

Have a look at the winning photos of PEFC Romania's 2020 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest!


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PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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