What's New


25 June 2020

External recognition and awareness raising: an expression of trust in PEFC

20th anniversary

Our CEO Ben Gunneberg explains how each of us can support the sustainable safeguarding of our forests by looking for the PEFC label.

24 June 2020

The forest is a place of tranquillity and stillness

Forests in photos

This June, we hear from Martin Šebesta, a runner up in our 2019 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC' photo contest. Martin tells us more about his photo and why forests and forest certification are so important.

18 June 2020

Certified throughout: ÖPSO re-imagines sustainable home fragrances

Certification on the ground

ÖPSO is a sustainable home fragrance series made from natural tree resin. Both fragrance and packaging are PEFC certified. This is a world first.

16 June 2020

In conversation with… – Ben Gunneberg on PEFC and labour rights


Our CEO Ben Gunneberg spoke with our Head of Communications, Thorsten Arndt, about hidden heroes, safety equipment in the forest and what makes forestry worker such an important profession.

15 June 2020

Malaysia produces PEFC certified eco-friendly egg trays

Certification on the ground

Malaysia-based company Teo Seng Paper Products became the first company in the country to obtain PEFC chain of custody certification for its eco-friendly egg trays.


Discover how PEFC can help you with your EUDR compliance.

PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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