PEFC announces upcoming online Chain of Custody auditor training

The training is aimed at auditors with experience in Chain of Custody certification. The training schedule is now available.

PEFC announces upcoming online Chain of Custody auditor training

15 February 2018 Training announcements

The PEFC Chain of Custody training schedule is now available, offering a range of options to suit various needs and time zones.

Upcoming online individual auditor training



Registration closes


11 - 12 April 2018
Morning sessions*

Register online

 26 March 2018

Information sheet

29 - 30 May 2018
Afternoon sessions*

Register online

8 May 2018

Information sheet

* These training sessions are spread over two half days, in order to accommodate participation from remote time zones. The morning sessions run from 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CET), and the afternoon sessions run from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM (CET).

To find out more and to register for one of the training sessions, head to the training section of our website or email

What to expect

The online training is aimed at auditors with experience in Chain of Custody certification.

We will first introduce the PEFC system and our organization. The technical part focuses on the key areas of the PEFC Chain of Custody Standard and updates on the latest FAQs. In preparation of the training, participants will need to do an online exercise (not a test!).

Conditions for online training

To take part in the online training session, the following conditions must be met:

  • A minimum of five participants registered per session.
  • Payment of the 500 CHF training fee before the session takes place. An invoice will be sent after registration.

Why you should get training

With almost 20,000 companies covered by PEFC Chain of Custody certification worldwide, the PEFC Chain of Custody standard is widely applied by certified companies, certification bodies and auditors on a daily basis.

To ensure that everyone involved in the process is fully up-to-date on changes to the standard and on interpretation and explanation of specific requirements, we provide several options for the training of Chain of Custody auditors.

This enables the consistent application of the Chain of Custody requirements in daily practice, and allows PEFC to exchange experiences with, and receive valuable feedback from auditors on the implementation of the standard.

Need to train several auditors?

If you work for a certification body with a high number of auditors, the PEFC Training Recognition Program might be a more efficient way to receive the PEFC training. See how you can take part in the program.

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