PEFC Board elections 2024

One new member elected to the PEFC International Board. Eduardo Rojas Briales re-elected as Chair and three Board members re-elected.

PEFC Board elections 2024

13 November 2024 Organisation news

One new member elected to the PEFC International Board at the 31st PEFC General Assembly, held virtually on 13 November. Eduardo Rojas Briales re-elected as Chair and three Board members re-elected.

We are delighted to welcome Thomas Schenker to the PEFC International Board.

Thomas Schenker earned a degree in forestry from BOKU in Vienna and subsequently worked with Austrian Federal Forests AG in timber trade and logistics management. In 2004, he took on the role of forestry manager for his family’s forestry business and, in 2009, became its owner. Deeply committed to biodiversity, Thomas actively pursues projects that align with BIOSA – Biosphere Austria principles.

His forestry initiatives over the past 15 years have focused on creating small evaporation ponds, implementing water retention measures to manage heavy rainfall, and enhancing habitat biodiversity. As Vice President of BIOSA, Thomas is involved in shaping the organisation’s strategies, acquiring new projects, and promoting international collaboration. His approach integrates traditional forestry with sustainable energy efforts.

Thomas has also championed projects aimed at expanding forestry's role in tourism and public education. He has developed themed and recreational trails alongside youth-oriented forestry awareness programmes. 

“I would like to thank the PEFC General Assembly for the trust you have shown in me by becoming a member of the PEFC International Board,” said Mr Schenker following his election to the Board.

“I am looking forward bringing my practical experience in forest and biodiversity management into the PEFC Family. Only if owners, management, and manual workers acknowledge the importance of biodiversity, we will see concrete results in managed forests.”

Re-elected and departing members

Eduardo Rojas Briales was re-elected as Chair, while Dradjad Wibowo, Fatimah Mohammad, and Sara El Kadri were re-elected as Board members. All four have three-year terms, 2024-2027.

We also say goodbye to Gerald Pfiffinger, who has been on the Board since 2017, as well as Brian Kernohan, Chair of the PEFC SFM Working Group and Esa Härmälä, member of the PEFC Nominations Committee.

"Serving on the Nominations Committee since 2018 has been both a privilege and pleasure. I have especially enjoyed the good co-operation and trust with the PEFC members worldwide,” said Esa during his final presentation at the PEFC General Assembly.

See the full PEFC International Board.


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