PEFC Chain of Custody Auditor Training in Myanmar

Take part in our Chain of Custody Auditor Training in Myanmar!

PEFC Chain of Custody Auditor Training in Myanmar

12 March 2019 Training announcements

Auditors from around Southeast Asia are invited to join our Chain of Custody auditor training session, with a special focus on the Due Diligence System (DDS) for sourcing from smallholders.

The training takes place in Yangon, Myanmar, 2-3 May, with an optional field trip and demonstration audit on 4 May. Sign up now!

The training costs USD350/person for all three days (including field trip). This includes lunch and training material. The training will be in English. You will receive a certificate of attendance after successful completion of the course.

Register for the training! Registration deadline is 25 April 2019.

What to expect

Organized by PEFC together with the Myanmar Forest Certification Committee, the two-day classroom training will first introduce the PEFC system and our organization. The technical part is a detailed walkthrough of the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, introducing all key requirements, combined with group exercises.

On 4 May, we will leave the classroom for the optional day focused on DDS using the Myanmar Timber Legality Assurance System. This will include a field trip to a sawmill where an audit will be observed.

The training will be given by Richard Laity, PEFC South East Asia Representative.

Why you should get training

PEFC Chain of Custody certification covers more than 20,000 companies, and certification bodies, auditors and certified companies around the world apply the PEFC Chain of Custody standard on a daily basis.

Our auditor training ensures that everyone involved in the process is fully up-to-date on changes to the standard and on interpretation and explanation of specific requirements.

This enables the consistent application of the Chain of Custody requirements in daily practice, and allows us to exchange experiences with, and receive valuable feedback from auditors on the implementation of the standard.

Attending a PEFC-recognized training is also a precondition to become a qualified auditor.

Need to train several auditors?

If you work for a certification body with a high number of auditors, the PEFC Training Recognition Program might be a more efficient way to receive the PEFC training. See how you can take part in the program.

Find out more

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