PEFC Chairman helps replanting efforts in Belarus!

After a hurricane destroyed 14,000 hectares of forest in Belarus, the country has begun to start replanting its trees.

PEFC Chairman helps replanting efforts in Belarus!

4 August 2017 News

In July 2016, a hurricane destroyed 14,000 hectares of forest in Belarus. Since then, the Ministry of Forestry and various forest enterprises have worked tirelessly to clear the wood and start replanting.

One year on, Peter Latham, Chairman of the PEFC International Board, and Fabienne Sinclair, PEFC Marketing, were invited to a symbolic planting of seedlings in the district of Smolevichi.

“We were honored to take part in this important activity,” said Mr. Latham. “It was fantastic to see the passion and hard work of everybody involved in this initiative. I hope to be able to come back in a few years to see how the trees have grown!”

The planting was one of the many activities undertaken by Peter and Fabienne during their three-day trip to Belarus in July.

As well as meeting with our national member, the Republican Association of Forest Certification System, they also met with many stakeholders and teams working on the ground. This included a meeting with the First Deputy Minister of Forestry and a conference on PEFC Chain of Custody and its benefits for the entire supply chain.

A few highlights…

“One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to the Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center,” said Ms. Sinclair.

“The center protects the quality and the origin of Belarus’ woody plants. To reforest, it provides forest districts around Belarus with seedlings from seeds that originate from their respective districts.”

The trip concluded in the Kopyl Forest Enterprise region with Peter, Fabienne, representatives from our national member and the forest director signing a declaration of their commitment to protect the forests.

Their declarations were then placed in a time capsule and buried in a park near to the forest.

Peter was also honored with the addition of the London 2100 km sign on the distance pole standing near the educational trail in the Kopyl forest.


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