PEFC International office move!

We are moving office! Our address will change but our phone number will remain the same.

PEFC International office move!

27 March 2018 News

We are moving office! From 3 April, our new office address will be:

new address smallPEFC International
ICC Building C
Route de Pré-Bois 20
1215 Geneva 15

And our postal address will be:

PEFC International
Case postale 1862
1215 Geneva 15

However, our phone number will remain the same: +41 22 799 4540.

The office move it taking place 27 – 29 March, during this time, we may not be able to respond as quickly as normal. As most staff members are working from home during the move, we would advise you send us emails, rather than phoning.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we should be up and running like normal from Tuesday 3 April.


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