PEFC launches accreditation body training – sign up now!

Accreditation body auditors and technical experts are invited to attend our first Accreditation Body Training session, held in the PEFC office in Geneva next January.

PEFC launches accreditation body training – sign up now!

28 November 2016 News

This two day training course will to help better prepare and qualify you for the assessment of certification bodies operating PEFC Chain of Custody certification.

Sign up now!

The training’s main subject is the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, with a specific focus on accreditation issues, but we will also be covering a basic introduction to Forest Management certification. 

Why do the training?

As an accreditation body, you verify the procedures, performance and competence of certification bodies and their auditors.

It is important that you are familiar with the PEFC system and the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, even if you make use of external PEFC expertise.

We find it equally important that, like the certification body auditors, you are kept up to date on our expectations, clarifications and interpretations to the standard. That is why we offer PEFC Chain of Custody training to accreditation bodies.

Training becoming mandatory

We are currently developing competence requirements for accreditation bodies, which are planned for implementation for the end of 2017. This means that from 2018 onwards, training for accreditation bodies will be mandatory.

Register now!


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