PEFC Slovakia begins second revision of the Slovak Forest Certification System

PEFC Slovakia is pleased to announce the beginning of the revision process for the Slovak Forest Certification System (SFCS), and is inviting nominations for the Technical Commission, which facilitates the process.

PEFC Slovakia begins second revision of the Slovak Forest Certification System

20 February 2014 News

is pleased to announce the beginning of the revision process for the Slovak Forest Certification System (SFCS), and is inviting nominations for the Technical Commission, which facilitates the process.

After first achieving endorsement of its forest certification system in 2005, this will be the second time the SFCS has been revised. The aim of this second revision is to implement new scientific knowledge, changes resulting from the requirements of PEFC International’s Sustainability Benchmarks and national legislation, as well as practical experience from prior use of the national certification system.

The standards revision process is open to all stakeholders and PEFC Slovakia invites interested parties to nominate representatives to become members of the Technical Commission. Based on the nominations received, PEFC Slovakia will form the Technical Commission ensuring balanced representation with no single concerned interest dominating the revision process.

Members of the Technical Commission will be provided with the working draft of the revised sustainable forest management standard and invited to submit their views and comments. The Technical Commission will then recommend the working draft of the revised standard for public consultation, following a decision taken on the basis of a consensus.

Following the conclusion of the public consultation, the Technical Commission will also consider the comments made, along with preliminary proposals for their resolution.

In addition to nominating members for the Technical Commission, stakeholders are also invited to comment on the procedures in the revision proposal and to later on participate in the public consultation.

The revision of standards is a required element of the PEFC endorsement, which obliges national forest management standards to be revised regularly to ensure that they incorporate international requirements, latest knowledge and best practices, and new market and stakeholder requirements.

Nominations for members of the Technical Commission, including details of their professional orientation or interests, along with any comments on the scope and process of the SFCS standard revision should be submitted by email or sent in writing to the address below by 28 February 2014.

PEFC Slovensko
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
Tel: 045 5206 444
Fax: 045 5206 050


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