PEFC to enable companies to track GHG emissions – stakeholder consultation on data transfer requirements

Stakeholders are invited to give feedback on the enquiry draft for Emission Data Transfer – Requirements by 4 April 2016.

PEFC to enable companies to track GHG emissions – stakeholder consultation on data transfer requirements

18 February 2016 Driving innovation

This draft document is an attempt to outline requirements for a strictly voluntary mechanism for the transfer of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission related data along the PEFC certified supply chain. 

Stakeholders have until the 4 April 2016 to submit their feedback - give your feedback now.

The use of the PEFC framework to transfer GHG emission related data along the supply chain has been the subject of increasing interest among the bioenergy sector and other industry sectors processing forest-based materials in recent years.

Key to this rising interest is the growing demand from governmental and private customers, particularly in Europe, that biomass used for energy production is from sustainable sources, such as PEFC-certified forests, and is delivered with credible and transparent information on GHG emissions linked to its production, processing and transport.

“We would like to encourage all interested parties to take part in this public consultation,” said Dr. Michael Berger, PEFC International’s Head of Technical Unit. “The responses we get from the consultation form an important part of the next stage of development as we continue to refine this new standard.”

The development of this set of technical requirements is following PEFC International’s “Technical documents development procedures”, outlined in PEFC GD 1003:2009, which includes a public consultation on an enquiry draft version. It is the objective of the Task Force to proceed with the development so that it can be approved by the PEFC General Assembly in 2016.

Information webinars

In addition we are offering two webinars to better inform stakeholders about the background of the standard and the technical details of the framework. The webinars will take place on 22 March, 9-10 am CET and 23 March 4-5 pm CET.


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Michael Berger

Secretary General/CEO

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