Public consultation on guidance on social requirements in Chain of Custody certification

Stakeholders have until 30 April to give feedback on our new PEFC Chain of Custody guidance document.

Public consultation on guidance on social requirements in Chain of Custody certification

31 March 2015 News

Stakeholders globally are encouraged to provide input, feedback and comments on the PEFC “Chain of Custody of forest-based products – Social requirements. Guidance for use” (PEFC GD 2002:201x) by 30 April 2015.

PEFC became in 2010 the first global forest certification system to include social requirements in Chain of Custody certification. These requirements cover the core elements of the fundamental ILO Conventions and oblige PEFC-certified organizations to demonstrate that:

  • workers are not prevented from associating freely, choosing their representatives, and bargaining collectively with their employer
  • forced labour is not used
  • workers, who are under the minimum legal age, the age of 15, or the compulsory school attendance age, whichever is higher, are not used
  • workers are not denied equal employment opportunities and treatment

The guidance under consultation supports both companies implementing social requirements as well as certification bodies assessing the correct implementation. The guidance acknowledges that PEFC’s social requirements can be implemented in very different ways depending on specific regional, national, and local conditions. It considers that countries have differing legal and institutional frameworks covering social aspects, as well as varying levels of enforcement. Furthermore, the guidance recognizes that companies may already have robust occupational health and safety management systems in place that contribute to meeting PEFC’s social requirements.

It is important to note that PEFC GD 2002:201x neither imposes additional requirements beyond those covered by the PEFC Chain of Custody Standard nor does it seek develop interpretations of PEFC’s social requirements.

Further information about the guidance document will be the subject of two upcoming webinars, and we strongly encourage all stakeholders to participate in these webinars prior to submitting their comments through the global public consultation. The webinars are free of charge and scheduled to take place on:

  • Tuesday 21 April - 10:00 AM (Central European Summer Time)
  • Tuesday 21 April - 4:30 PM (Central European Summer Time)

Please use the registration form at the bottom of the page to register for your chosen webinar.

Interested stakeholders are invited to use PEFC's Online Consultation Tool to provide comments on the “Chain of custody of forest-based products – Social requirements. Guidance for use” (PEFC GD 2002:201x) by 30 April 2015.

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