Revised PEFC Sustainable Forest Management benchmark standard approved
This revised standard comprises several new and amended requirements that will enable EUDR alignment for PEFC-certified material coming directly from a PEFC-certified forest.
Revised PEFC Sustainable Forest Management benchmark standard approved
15 November 2024 PEFC system news
In an important step towards ensuring the raw materials coming out of a PEFC-certified forest comply with EUDR requirements, the revised PEFC Sustainable Forest Management benchmark standard was approved by the PEFC General Assembly on Wednesday 13 November 2024.
This revised standard, PEFC ST 1003:2024, comprises several new and amended requirements that will enable EUDR alignment for PEFC-certified material coming directly from a PEFC-certified forest. This marks an important step in our PEFC roadmap to EUDR alignment.
Download the revised standard:
While the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management benchmark standard already covered a much wider spectrum of sustainability safeguards, reaching far beyond EUDR requirements and scope, some additions and amendments were needed to enable full EUDR alignment.
The main elements included further structuring of the various forest input categories and specification for deforestation and forest degradation EUDR definitions. In addition, the modifications create a clearer and enabling environment for Trees Outside Forests (TOF) to contribute to sustainable supply chains in the PEFC framework. These additional features build on the national and regional forestry contexts while ensuring comparability at international level.
Overview of the PEFC ST 1003 main scope categories
The next steps
Our national members will now amend their national and regional sustainable forest management standards to align them with this revised benchmark standard. This work will begin at the national level over the next few months.
Following a successful assessment, the amended national standards will receive PEFC endorsement and will be ready for forest owners and managers in that country to start implementing and thereby producing PEFC-certified material that complies with EUDR requirements .
PEFC will continue to monitor the developments within the European Commission (EC) and the European Parliament (EP), following the 14 November vote for legislative changes in the context of the EUDR. If needed, the revised Sustainable Forest Management benchmark standard will be adjusted.
The 31 December 2010 cut-off date relating to conversion or afforestation of key non-forest habitats was not changed and is EUDR compliant. However, PEFC has called a task force to explore options for the inclusion of a 31 December 2020 cut-off date, but only in conjunction with necessary safeguarding requirements for plantation forests and Trees outside Forests established through conversion or afforestation between 2010-2020.
Supporting EUDR compliance in the PEFC supply chain
Ensuring EUDR alignment for material coming directly from a PEFC-certified forest complements the recently published PEFC EUDR DDS module, PEFC ST 2002-1:2024.
The PEFC EUDR Due Diligence System (DDS) is designed to support PEFC chain of custody certified companies in demonstrating their compliance with the EUDR. It can be used by any organisation within the supply chain, no matter where the organisation is based or what their EUDR obligations are.
Further information
To find out more about how PEFC is your partner for EUDR, please visit our PEFC EUDR website.
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