Revised standards: New design

Not only the content of our standards is changing, but their appearance too! We have lightened them up with images on the front page and have introduced a colour coding system.

Revised standards: New design

6 July 2018 PEFC system news

As our standards revision process continues, it is not only the content that is changing, but their appearance too!

We have introduced a colour coding system to make it easier for you to distinguish between the different types of PEFC documentation. Rather than looking at the document number, or scrolling through a list, you can now see which documents are relevant to you with just a glance.

We also decided to lighten them up with images on the front page.

Here is what the different colour codes stand for:

International standards are red. They can be directly applied in the field. These include our Chain of Custody and Logo Usage standards, used by thousands of companies, certification bodies and accreditation bodies around the world. 

Benchmark standards are green. These are the documents used by national forest certification systems to develop their national standards. They are not used directly in the field, but set out the requirements that national standards and their development process must meet in order to achieve PEFC endorsement.

Procedural documents are blue. These documents govern the functioning of the PEFC system itself. This category includes the procedure for the assessment and endorsement of national standards. Various administrative procedures for our national members and us are covered here as well, such as issuing PEFC logo licenses.

Guidance documents are grey. As the name suggests, these documents provide additional guidance for users of some of our other standards.


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Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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