Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods: the 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue

Our two-day dialogue will build clarity and vision on the role of forest certification, sustainable supply chains and stakeholders in catalyzing sustainable landscapes and livelihoods.

Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods: the 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue

27 June 2016 Driving innovation

Join us in vibrant Bali, Indonesia, for the 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue ‘Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods: harnessing the power of forest certification and sustainable supply chains'.

Our two-day dialogue, taking place on 17-18 November 2016, will build clarity and vision on the role of forest certification, sustainable supply chains and stakeholders in catalyzing sustainable landscapes and livelihoods.

The world needs more ambitious forest-based solutions!

The Stakeholder Dialogue - the main public event of PEFC Forest Certification Week - will provoke exchange amongst participants on how sustainable forestry and forest certification can move beyond traditional boundaries to further accelerate sustainable development.

It will challenge, motivate and inspire forest sector leadership in promoting sustainable landscapes where trees deliver maximum positive impacts to people and the environment.

What to expect

We will be:

  • Sharing experiences and showcasing best practice on creating equitable, productive and healthy landscapes through sustainable supply chains.
  • Building clarity around an expanded role for forest certification and the forest sector in catalyzing sustainable landscapes and livelihoods.
  • Reflecting on and providing input into PEFC’s standards, scope and dimensionality in light of new knowledge, opportunities and expectations.

Join us there!

If you would like to attend the event, please register online before 12 October at (space is limited so don’t delay!). The cost of attendance is 110 USD (plus registration fee).

To more get information, including updates to the agenda, please refer regularly to the event website.

If your organization would like to host a Side Event or become an Event Sponsor, please get in touch at or +41 (0) 22 799 4540


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