Thatchers chooses PEFC for sustainable cardboard packaging

Cider maker Thatchers has replaced the plastic packaging around its cider can packs with PEFC-certified cardboard, saving tonnes of plastic.

Thatchers chooses PEFC for sustainable cardboard packaging

3 May 2021 Certification on the ground

PEFC-certified cardboard has replaced plastic packaging around the cider can packs by UK cider maker Thatchers, significantly reducing the company’s use of plastic.

Thatchers has introduced PEFC-certified board for its four and ten-can packs of ciders. Using certified cardboard for packaging is one more important step in Thatchers’ commitment to the environment.

The company first started its ground-breaking initiative five years ago, introducing new duo-wing cardboard packs for its best-selling ciders. Around 100 tonnes of plastic have been saved during this time.

Through this innovation, Thatchers has also been able to wipe out its use of the much-maligned plastic rings. In the last twelve months, Thatchers has saved around 20 million plastic rings from being discarded, eliminating their potential harm to the environment.

Innovation for our planet

Thatchers is working closely with packaging supplier Westrock to bring its initiative to fruition.

“Working with Westrock to ensure our duo-wings are made with PEFC-certified board is an important part of our sustainability commitment,” said Gary Delafield, Supply Chain Director for Thatchers.

“We are always looking to actively do the right thing across our cider making and packaging, and the PEFC certification assures our retail customers and consumers that our cardboard is sourced sustainably throughout the supply chain.“

“We were one of the first British cider makers to replace plastic rings with recyclable cardboard packs and now we are able to demonstrate full confidence throughout their production with PEFC-certification,” he continued.

Thatchers recognises the critical role that forests play in the protection of the global environment and in alleviating climate change. Reliant on trees to grow the apples it needs to produce its ciders, it has over 200 hectares of its own orchard.

By working with Westrock, who produce the packaging for Thatchers at their conversion plant just 20 miles (32 km) from the cider mill, Thatchers is also reducing the number of road miles undertaken in transporting the packaging.

New lighter weight cans save 70 tonnes of aluminium each year and its glass bottles contain up to 77% recycled glass. Furthermore, Thatchers’ new warehouse is home to solar panels that saved 75,000 kg of CO2 in 2020.

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