The glory of the Lake District wins first prize in the UK and Ireland

The Lake District in autumn sets the scene for the winning image of PEFC UK and PEFC Ireland’s ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest.

The glory of the Lake District wins first prize in the UK and Ireland

17 August 2017 Forests in photos

“We received over 300 fantastic entries, and it was an extremely difficult task to choose only three winners,” said Alun Watkins, National Secretary of PEFC UK. “I would like to thank all of our contestants who have shared their wonderful images with us.”

The winning images

In first place was Andrew Clayborough with his image ‘Autumn Glory’. Taken in the Lake District, which has just become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the photo reveals a reflective lake in Grasmere in late autumn.

The second prize went to Liam Richardson with ‘Fungi on Cone’. Another beautiful image capturing life in its many forms on the forest floor.

Pete Edmunds came in at third place with ‘Forest running club’.

“This was taken in Delamere Forest in Cheshire and is so close to my hear,” said Mr. Edmunds. "I remember doing scout group cross country runs there myself in my early teens - and orienteering competitions."

“Whenever I'm visiting my family in Cheshire I find tranquility and inspiration there and it's become a favorite photography location of mine.” 

Experience Forests, Experience PEFC

These three winning images along with a further three runners up will join the winning photos from the other 22 national PEFC photo contests for the chance to win the 2017 PEFC Photographer of the Year Award!

Taking place around the world, these national contests all ran at the same time: from Earth Day to World Environment Day. In total, we received more than 11,000 photos!

The winner of international contest will receive a trip to Helsinki, Finland to attend the PEFC Forest Certification Week or a cash prize of 3000 CHF.


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