The PEFC label part of ALDI SOUTH’s awareness campaign

ALDI SOUTH presented its customers in Germany with seven important sustainability seals from the ALDI SOUTH product range.

The PEFC label part of ALDI SOUTH’s awareness campaign

26 July 2016 News

The meaning behind seven of the most recognized sustainability labels, including the PEFC label, was the focus of ALDI SOUTH’s “in the footsteps of the 7 seals” campaign. ALDI SOUTH is a leading German retailer with almost 5,300 stores globally.

With its ‘Seven seals’ campaign, ALDI SOUTH presented its customers in Germany with seven important sustainability seals from the ALDI SOUTH product range in an extensive information campaign for the first time.

“Many of the everyday products in the food trade are marked with a sustainability label,” said Ralf-Thomas Reichrath, Deputy General Manager in the Central Purchasing (field quality control) at ALDI SOUTH in Germany.

“However, while organic or fair trade labels are recognized quickly, there are still uncertainties surrounding the meaning of many other labels. We want to change this with our 7 seals campaign,” Reichrath explained.

The campaign

The campaign was targeted to reach a family audience, with a particular focus on providing children as our future generation with comprehensive information about sustainable products. With this campaign, ALDI SOUTH made an active contribution towards promoting sustainable consumption.

ALDI SOUTH created child-friendly brochures, suitable for the whole family, along with other campaign materials, to teach children about the positive benefits to humans and the environment behind the label.

As part of the campaign, children and their parents were able to go in search of the seven labels, enabling them to actively engage with and recognize these labels.

The campaign also features seven short videos of children explaining the meaning of the seven labels. Here is the one featuring the PEFC label:

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