“Together we could be a formidable force for social and environmental justice”

Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI, gives the keynote speech at the 20th PEFC General Assembly.

“Together we could be a formidable force for social and environmental justice”

18 December 2015 News

“Since the beginning, BWI has been a proud partner with PEFC,” said Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI, during his keynote speech at the 20th PEFC General Assembly.

“As the focal point for Agenda 21 forest workers within the UN structure and as the representative for 15 million workers who depend on sustainable forest management and sustainable forest products for their livelihoods, I congratulate you for what you have achieved and for what lies ahead.”

Mr. Yuson’s speech opened the PEFC General Assembly on the final day of the 2015 PEFC Forest Certification Week, which brought together over 130 participants from more than 40 countries around the world. In the speech, Mr. Yuson highlighted the role that poverty and inequality play as drivers of deforestation, emphasizing the vital importance of strong social requirements within sustainable forest management.

“Until forest dependent populations including workers, have a voice, have a stake, do not merely survive but thrive within healthy rural communities, you will never stop deforestation, conversions and illegal logging,” Mr. Yuson continued. “Until you become a strong voice for socially sustainable forestry, you will not win for your members what they want most — that is to be left alone to manage their family forests or public forests without political intervention.”

“I think there is a wide range of areas where we share common goals. I look forward with the greatest anticipation to have my organization work with PEFC, and to have our members get to know your members in the local communities. Together we could be a formidable force for social and environmental justice.”

“We are ready to expand our partnership if you are, the choice is yours,” concluded Mr. Yuson.

Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI), a PEFC International Stakeholder member, is the largest global union representing forest, wood and construction workers.


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