Upcoming seminar in Singapore: Sustainable Forest Management for a Greener Environment?

Join us as we explore several key issues at a special Sharing and Networking session next week on Wednesday 11 November in Singapore.

Upcoming seminar in Singapore: Sustainable Forest Management for a Greener Environment?

4 November 2015 News

The on-going haze in Indonesia has affected everybody in the Southeast region. The health of individuals has been impacted by the haze; government relations are tested; businesses, including those committed to responsible sourcing, have suffered consequences of having their products pulled off the shelves and being boycotted.

singapore workshop logos

How can sustainable forest management lead to a haze-free future for businesses and individuals? How do organizations benefit from the work undertaken by forest certification systems like PEFC in promoting the use of sustainable wood products?

How can companies doing business with countries or organizations that require proof of sustainable sourcing benefit from PEFC?  What is the uptake on the use of sustainable materials in Singapore and the region, and how can the issue of higher cost be addressed?

These are just a few of the issues to be explored at a special Sharing and Networking session next week on Wednesday 11 November in Singapore. Co-organized by the Global Compact Network Singapore, PEFC International and the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SIFC), the session will also welcome speakers from the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) and Spicers.

The session will also look to cover:

  • The incentives and benefits for using sustainable forest products
  • How to engage with stakeholders and communicate the added value that certification provides
  • How to promote and increase the use of certified sustainable forest products

For more information or to register for this event, please contact: richard.laity@pefc.org with your name, title, and association clearly indicated.

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