When there is no forest, there will be no us
Chaiwut Temyod, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us about his photo ‘Grow the future’.
When there is no forest, there will be no us
21 June 2019 Forests in photos
This June, we hear from Chaiwut Temyod, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest. In his video, Chaiwut tells us about his photo ‘Grow the future’ and why we have to protect forests for the next generations.
Grow the future
“Forests are everything for humanity. When there is no forest, there will be no us,” he explains. “Forests provide not only the food we eat, but also shelter for wildlife. We must protect forests and help them grow – for the lives of our children in this world.”
“Growing the future with small hands can protect the forest for the next generations. Forests are a part of this world. We must protect them and help them grow.”