Working together to tackle deforestation

What does the Paris Agreement mean for the zero deforestation and corporate/NGO/government partnerships agenda? Such vital questions will be discussed at the Innovation Forum.

Working together to tackle deforestation

18 March 2016 News

Deforestation remains a major threat to the world’s forests, but together we can make a difference. At PEFC, our work to promote the sustainable management of forests is helping to halt deforestation.

We provide forest owners with an incentive to manage their forests responsibly, while giving companies a tool to ensure their procurement of forest-based products is not contributing to the loss of the world’s forests.

We also actively participate in other initiatives to tackle deforestation, such as our role as Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 Partner.

Upcoming opportunity to discuss the issues

What does the Paris Agreement mean for the zero deforestation and corporate/NGO/government partnerships agenda? Such vital questions will be discussed at Innovation Forum’s two-day “How business can tackle deforestation” conference in Washington DC, 6-7 April 2016.

With involvement from the US State Department, leading global brands as McDonald’s, Sime Darby, P&G, the World Bank Group and Cambridge Associates from the financial sector, and NGOs such as Rainforest Alliance, Greenpeace and Rainforest Action Network, this forum will provide a critical outlook for the anti-deforestation movement post COP21.

Representing PEFC at the conference will be Paul Trianosky, Chief Conservation Officer at Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), one of our North American members.

Moving towards deforestation-free supply chains

In early March we joined over 80 partners for the General Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020. From government, business, civil society, international organizations and local communities, partners came together to finalize the 2016-18 strategy of TFA 2020, and exchange knowledge, expertise, and best practices on partnering to implement the transition to deforestation-free supply chains.

The TFA 2020 is a global public-private partnership in which partners take voluntary actions, individually and in combination, to reduce the tropical deforestation associated with the sourcing of commodities such as palm oil, soy, beef, and paper and pulp.

Innovation Forum registration

With an agenda designed to provide actionable tools and practical insights, the “How business can tackle deforestation” conference is recommended to corporate practitioners and key NGOs that want to deliver actions in their workplace.

If you wish to join, please reserve passes online and use the code ‘IF100’ to receive a £100 discount.


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PEFC contact

Thorsten Arndt

Head of Advocacy

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