World's highest wooden observation tower is PEFC certified

 Imposing, this almost 100 meter high observation tower spirals into the air, making it the world’s highest wooden observation tower.

World's highest wooden observation tower is PEFC certified

20 June 2013 Sustainable construction

The opening of the Pyramidenkogel in Carinthia, Austria, sets another milestone for the promotion of sustainable forestry. Imposing, this almost 100 meter high observation tower spirals into the air, making it the world’s highest wooden observation tower. Yet the Pyramidenkogel does not only offer breathtaking views – the main structure is made entirely of wood originating from PEFC-certified, local forests.

“The Pyramidenkogel is the crowning glory of my 25 year career. As it is PEFC certified, it goes without saying that this will set an example for responsible forestry,” says Helmut Hödl, Head of Timber Engineering for Rubner Holzbau GmbH, the PEFC-certified company responsible for the tower. “For a company such as Rubner, the preservation of forests for future generations, and therefore our sustainable raw materials, is an essential issue.”

Rubner paid attention to using wood from PEFC-certified wood from the region for the construction to also reduce transport-related carbon emissions and to support the local economy.

Designed by the architectural firm Klaura Kaden + Partner from Klagenfurt, the tower extends over ten levels with two platforms exposed to the sky. During its construction, attention was paid to ensure the greatest efficiency and effectiveness possible. The high degree of prefabrication by Rubner Holzbau GmbH enabled rapid construction – the shell was ready after two months and total construction time was five months.

“This tower will find worldwide attention, and we are very pleased that this project is PEFC certified. Rubner is thus making a strong sign that performance and sustainability go hand in hand within the domestic timber industry” says Dipl.-Ing (FH) Rainer Handl, Association of the Austrian Wood Industries, Board Member PEFC Austria.


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