Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Slovakian assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Slovakia, by GreenWoodGlobal Consulting.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Slovakia, by GreenWoodGlobal Consulting.

Polish sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Poland. It maintained its endorsement on 28 March 2023. The review date is 10 May 2027.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Poland. It maintained its endorsement on 28 March 2023. The review date is 10 May 2027.

Portuguese sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Portugal. It maintained its endorsement on 11 May 2023. The review date is 10 May 2027.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Portugal. It maintained its endorsement on 11 May 2023. The review date is 10 May 2027.

Argentine sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Argentina. It maintained its endorsement on 22 March 2023. The review date is 5 May 2027.

 Download (757.10 KB)

The national sustainable forest management standard of Argentina. It maintained its endorsement on 22 March 2023. The review date is 5 May 2027.

Estonian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Estonia. It maintained its endorsement on 23 March 2023. The review date is 4 May 2027.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Estonia. It maintained its endorsement on 23 March 2023. The review date is 4 May 2027.

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