Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Romanian assessement report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Romania, by Indufor Oy.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Romania, by Indufor Oy.

PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management, Plantations


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.

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This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.

Bulgarian assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Bulgaria, by Indufor Oy.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Bulgaria, by Indufor Oy.

Geographical scope of PEFC notification by the PEFC Council

Procedural document

The list of countries where the notification for PEFC certification can be obtained from the national PEFC authorized body. This document was last updated November 2024.

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The list of countries where the notification for PEFC certification can be obtained from the national PEFC authorized body. This document was last updated November 2024.

Additional requirements for organisations sourcing forest biomass - RED II, PEFC ST 5002

RED documents

Date of implementation 25 November 2024

This standard provides interpretations and additional requirements to the PEFC Chain of Custody standard that PEFC certified organisations shall implement to use the PEFC certification scheme for the purpose of RED II compliance and obtain a PEFC RED II certificate.

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This standard provides interpretations and additional requirements to the PEFC Chain of Custody standard that PEFC certified organisations shall implement to use the PEFC certification scheme for the purpose of RED II compliance and obtain a PEFC RED II certificate.

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